
For Her

The Art of Pleasure: A Guide

You are Aphrodite and Adonis for soft flesh dances endlessly upon flesh among the bright flowers of Mount Olympus. You are the waves and the rolling of the universe in the perpetual motion of creation. You are the rutting behemoth, but you are also a point of light beyond manifestation. That point explodes into a million fragments like fireworks in cosmic eternity. The two within you are one but even the one fades into nothingness. Finally, beyond thought, concept or even feeling of the whole, is the indescribable ecstasy as …
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For Her

Tantric Sex: A Beginner’s Guide

Sed iaculis leo id nisi laoreet, in elem tum velit fringilla. Phasellus at justo quis orci scelerisque dictum. Sed pharetra nibh vel cursus pellentesque. Morbi odio odio, hendrerit eu sagittis id, malesuada commodo mi. Nullam aliquet elit non dui convallis, ut tincidunt elit lobortis. Curabitur eu tincidunt dui. Suspendisse vestibulum mauris at elit vulputate iaculis. Nam mauris enim, fringilla sed dui sit amet, ultricies blandit tellus. Nulla faucibus elit at eros pellentesque, ornare semper nibh egestas. Vestibulum tristique nunc in placerat consequat. Vivamus condimentum arcu ante, a ornare urna interdum …
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