You are Aphrodite and Adonis for soft flesh dances endlessly upon flesh among the bright flowers of Mount Olympus. You are the waves and the rolling of the universe in the perpetual motion of creation. You are the rutting behemoth, but you are also a point of light beyond manifestation. That point explodes into a million fragments like fireworks in cosmic eternity. The two within you are one but even the one fades into nothingness. Finally, beyond thought, concept or even feeling of the whole, is the indescribable ecstasy as your personality dies. There is only divine consciousness in all directions and at all times, taking place outside of time, forever.
And this is maithuna, the meditation of sex.
Sed Fringilla
Maithuna, the art of sacred sex. By Elizabeth Gips, translated by Artus.
You are Aphrodite and Adonis for soft flesh dances endlessly upon flesh among the bright flowers of Mount Olympus. You are the waves and the rolling of the universe in the perpetual motion of creation. You are the rutting behemoth, but you are also a point of light beyond manifestation. That point explodes into a million fragments like fireworks in cosmic eternity. The two within you are one but even the one fades into nothingness. Finally, beyond thought, concept or even feeling of the whole, is the indescribable ecstasy as your personality dies. There is only divine consciousness in all directions and at all times, taking place outside of time, forever.
And this is maithuna, the meditation of sex.
Maithuna is the Sanskrit word for union. Maithuna is yogic sexual union. It means the act of uniting two or more things in a state of being or spiritual union to bring about harmony. This is the unity that creates one from two, an escape from the system of duality in which we live. Surrounded by a society that teaches us convoluted platitudes and attitudes from soap operas and advertisements, in a kind of adolescence of the mind, we unlearn the sexual ecstasy that is our birthright. Sex is accessible to most adults. It cannot be made illegal (although laws in various places, including the United States, have limited the kind of sex that is legal, and provide severe punishment or even death for those who break the “law”). The sexual journey should take us on walks to incredible spaces of consciousness and union with many levels of infinite reality, but it requires unlearning most of the things that religion has promulgated and that our parents, in their ignorance, have passed on to us.
Making love is a way to get high, perhaps ultimately the only way. We make love when we walk down the street and smile at an old person; we make love when we pet an animal. In all our everyday relationships with people and with everything, we either create more love or we break the love that exists. Sex is a way of making love.
Interesting Facts About Sex
(The following instructions use heterosexual terminology, their content, however, is valid for the simultaneous orgasm of yin and yang, if it manifests.) Unfortunately, many of us are so separated from our bodies that we wear uncomfortable clothing, eat too much, smoke tobacco and use the “missionary” position during intercourse. This position in which the man is on top of the woman, makes it very difficult for her to respond properly.
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Different Types of Modern Toys
Since the female body is slower to become aroused than the male (it is said that it takes at least eighty minutes before true union can begin), it is necessary for the female to influence the timing of intercourse if the partners are to become one with each other. This requires a real loss of ego on both sides, for our society teaches us that the male is in charge and the female is to be passive. The myth that orgasm is the pinnacle of sexual experience is even more disturbing in a spiritually conscious sexual life. Maithuna can lead to experiences that make orgasm seem pale in comparison, in the place of original creation where the earth emerges, cells multiply, life evolves in its many facets. The feeling that orgasm is necessary can be an anchor that immobilizes the personality. If the male does not reach the climax, his emotional response can make it difficult for him to let go of his personality. On the other hand, if the woman uses fantasies or play to stimulate her body and get a quick response, she loses the connection with her partner. It is not “wrong” to do this. But prolonged moments of such separation make the most ecstatic levels of sexuality impossible to achieve.
So “rule” number one : it is of the first importance that orgasm is not the most important end that ends this union. Someone said, perhaps Alan Watts, that orgasm is a delicious punctuation in the act of love.
The second “rule” : the woman must be primarily responsible for the timing of the sexual act. She will have to slow things down if she feels it is too fast, and suggest the next move, physically or verbally. To do this, she needs to lose her ego, to be very aware, at least at first, of her own body and how it responds to her.
Telepathic communication thrives on telling the truth.
Rule three : Both partners must agree to tell the truth to each other all the time. The truth in this case is what you feel, what your thoughts are going towards. Stay focused on each other.
The Star of David is a diagram of the maithuna sexual position. The partners face each other, the man sitting with his legs crossed, the woman sitting on him with her legs around him. In this position, there is no one above or below, no first or second, no beginning or end. Maithuna is sometimes called kerraza or dianism in the West or yab-yum in Tibet, take your time, it is a true meditation. So choose a quiet day, or an evening. To touch the aeons, take a sense of leisure without restraint.
Start gently. Take a bath together. Throw rose petals into the bath water; light candles and incense so that your bathing place becomes an altar itself. Look deeply into each other’s eyes until faces shift and thoughts fade. Tell each other how much you care for each other. Now is a good time to let go of things you are holding back, all the lies, fears, and misunderstandings. Touch each other gently on the face, shoulders, and hair. After your bath, dry each other with soft towels and massage each other with sacred scents, such as amber in oil. Lie down in front of a fire or on a bed with soft blankets and massage each other with long, slow strokes of your hands and arms. Press your hands a few inches on either side of the spine, from the sacroiliac, the sacred space of energy, to the base of the neck where we accumulate tension during our daily wanderings. Breathe deeply. As you massage each other, be aware of the present moment. Your world right now is that place where your fingers meet each other’s bodies. Focus on that. Where flesh touches flesh, you are already entering a sacred space together.
Dawson Timms
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